Invisible Orthodontics: How to Maintain Your Invisalign

July 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakenona @ 5:16 pm
Woman with red nails blurry in the background holding Invisalign to foreground

Many people with slightly crooked or gapped teeth feel self-conscious about the way their smile looks. Although traditional braces can straighten things out, they don’t do much to boost confidence in your appearance in the meantime. If you’re looking for a more discreet method to reposition your grin, you might ask your dentist about Invisalign.

This alternative orthodontic method uses transparent plastic trays that fit over your teeth to gently guide them to their ideal places. To work effectively, however, it’s imperative that you take care of your aligners. Continue reading to learn a few do’s and don’ts to help you maintain your Invisalign!

DO Remove Them for Meals

You may feel tempted to eat with your Invisalign in your mouth but might come to regret it if you do. The plastic material isn’t intended to withstand the force of your bite and can be damaged or broken if you chew with it inserted. Furthermore, overly hot temperatures, like that of a hot cup of coffee, can warp the plastic so it no longer fits. To keep your orthodontics in tip-top shape, you should take them out to eat or drink and then put them in when you’re done.

DO Brush and Floss Your Teeth

You’ll need to wear your trays for 22 hours every day to prevent your teeth from reverting to their original positions. That gives bacteria plenty of opportunity to thrive, which can leave your aligners looking cloudy or yellow as well as contribute to tooth decay and gum disease. To avoid these problems, you should thoroughly brush and floss your teeth twice daily to remove plaque buildup. You might also want to rinse your mouth out after meals before reinserting them.

DON’T Use Abrasive Supplies

Your aligners must be removed and cleaned every day, but the plastic is somewhat vulnerable, so it’s important to use materials that won’t harm them. For instance, choose a soft-bristled brush to scrub them rather than a rough one that can abrade the surface. Then, use a small amount of toothpaste or clear liquid soap to brush all the surfaces and rinse them off before putting them back in.

DON’T Leave Them Out

Invisalign can dry out if it’s left in the open air, which can potentially interrupt your treatment timeline. Every 1 to 2 weeks, you’ll switch to a new set of trays to account for the ongoing movement of your teeth. If they become dehydrated, they can crack or break, so they no longer fit correctly. You will need to contact your provider to let them know. Then, depending on how long you were wearing those trays, they’ll instruct that you switch over to the new set early or revert to a previous one while they replace them.

By taking a few simple precautions, you can keep your Invisalign looking and feeling great throughout your treatment!

About the Practice

At Lake Nona Dental Group, you benefit from a team of dentists who work together to offer a full range of services from two convenient locations. With decades of combined experience, they can handle everything from basic preventative care to more complex procedures. They combine a relaxing atmosphere with advanced dental technology to enhance your comfort while increasing the accuracy of your results. If you’re interested in straightening your smile and need a consultation, you can request an appointment on the website or call (407) 277-1779.