Summer Smiles: How the Sun Safeguards Your Grin

July 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lakenona @ 5:11 pm
Family in straw hats and sunglasses taking a selfie smiling at the beach

The long, hot days of summer are great for spending time outside. Whether you prefer to lounge by the pool, hike nature trails, or enjoy hosting backyard barbecues, there are plenty of ways to make the most of the many hours of sunshine.

Did you know, though, that doing so can also protect your teeth and gums? Your body generates vitamin D when exposed to ultraviolet rays, which can support your oral well-being. Continue reading to learn more about 3 ways that sunlight can safeguard your smile!

Benefit #1: Absorb More Calcium

Vitamin D is a naturally occurring ingredient that your body produces when your skin is exposed to UV light. It helps your body absorb calcium and phosphorus from the foods that you eat to build strong, healthy teeth and bones. It’s an essential component necessary for new bone growth, and without enough of it, your skeleton can become thin, brittle, or misshapen.

It’s especially important to get enough vitamin D if you’re receiving dental implants. Without it, your jawbone might be unable to create enough new bone growth to fuse successfully with the titanium rod, which can cause your restoration to fail. Soaking up the sun this season helps ensure that your pearly whites stay in excellent condition.

Benefit #2:  Prevent Cavities

Researchers have learned that raising vitamin D levels can directly impact the likelihood of developing tooth decay. Having enough of it in your system can lower your risk of cavities by up to 50%. If you’re concerned about weakening enamel, a good way to gain some peace of mind is to boost your current levels.

Benefit #3:  Reduce the Risk of Gum Disease

In addition to building strong enamel that keeps cavities at bay, vitamin D also supports your oral health because it helps fight gum disease, which is the number one leading cause of tooth loss in adults. This ingredient activates infection-fighting cells, which boost your immune system. That means when bacteria penetrate beneath your gumline and try to fester, your mouth will be better able to fight them off much more effectively. You’ll be more resistant to decay and disease when you have enough of this vitamin coursing through you.

Thankfully, if your levels are low, raising them is relatively simple. If you prefer to stay comfortable at home in the air conditioning, you can get vitamin D from fatty fish, egg yolks, fortified cereals and dairy products, or as a supplement that you can ingest. However, the simplest way to increase your levels is to take a 15- to 20-minute walk on a sunny day during peak hours to give your body the entire recommended daily value!

About the Practice

At Lake Nona Dental Group, you benefit from a team of dentists who work together to offer a wide range of services from two convenient locations. They have experience providing everything from basic preventative services to more complex procedures, meaning there’s no issue too great or small for them to handle. They combine a relaxed environment with advanced dental technology to enhance your comfort and increase the accuracy of your treatment results. If you want to schedule a routine checkup, you can request an appointment on the website or by calling (407) 277-1779.